Being a leader takes more than just knowing how to communicate and manage a team effectively. Leaders tend to fall under the same umbrella when it comes to coaching as if there is a gold standard every person must live up to. While there are certain traits every leader should have, you need to tap into your talents if you want to thrive.

Everyone has something unique to bring to their leadership style; follow these four tips to find your voice and begin leading in a way that is meaningful, effective, and helps you grow.

Define Your Leadership Edge

What matters most to you as a leader? Think about what qualities you found most admirable about past mentors. How did they handle adversity, and what made their impact so memorable for you? Consider what you would like others to carry from you; what traits do you already possess to bring that vision to life?

The Leadership Now blog lists four goals for a leadership edge:

  • Enrich your life and others’ experience with you.
  • Delight through unique leadership approach and delivery.
  • Guide yourself and others by cultivating self-awareness and creating directional goals.
  • Put effort into everything, even learning from failure.

Ultimately, your leadership edge will bring out your fullest potential while helping others realize their own.

Identify Your Core Strengths

Beyond technical skills and industry experience, you need to discern what qualities you possess that make you a strong leader. Whether it’s your empathy, charisma, or open-mindedness, think outside the box and find ways to unify your best qualities with your leadership style.

As you take time to identify your strengths, you will develop greater self-awareness through exploration. This process also helps you determine what you value most. If you consider your speaking abilities an advantage, it demonstrates you value individual expression and open communication.

Transform your values into tools that shape your leadership edge.

Be Comfortable With Change

A leader must be able to adapt and understand that sometimes, their best efforts just aren’t enough. Realizing that failure doesn’t signify worthlessness will help you flourish in the face of hardship.

Your response to change, both negative and positive, impact how others perceive your ability to lead. The strongest, most memorable actions are often borne out of adversity; remember that the strengths you’ve defined as a leader are your rock. Lean on your intuition and abilities while you continue to sharpen your edge and make an impact on your work.